“Etherium push and pull behavior around the all-time high, whale market manipulation and faking out the retail crowds”

Christian Mosimann
3 min readJan 27, 2021

The Path forward for Etherium new all-time highs and parabolic activity

Recently Etherium reached not once but twice a new all-time high, but once again it turned away from its destiny. A higher price seems programmed, but it`s not revealing itself just yet. Currently, a lot of traders, experts, and folks alike are identifying that Etherium is not breaking out of its all-time high, and this is actually something that could have been expected. Situations like this in the market can lead to manipulations of the crypto whales holding huge amounts of coins. This could be one reason for the breakout being rejected in the last few days not once, but twice.

Retail Investors often put a 10x or even 100x leverage on their trades. As soon as the price goes down just 1–2 % they lose their whole trade and get liquidated. Big traders and whales love to look for ineffectiveness in the market to take profit. Bitcoin itself had a very similar pattern when it was trying to break out of its prior high in March 2017- successfully surpassing it in its second wave in August 2017.

